
First Grade Math Activity Packs

  1. Time to Match

    match digital time clocks with analog clocks, for hour time

  2. Time for Ice Cream

    match digital time clocks with analog clocks, for hour time

  3. Time Frog

    explore elapsed time (duration) by adding 1, 2 or 3 hours to an analog time and recording it as a digital time

  4. Half-Timebot

    explore time to the half hour by matching analog clocks with words and digital times

  5. Owl Time

    position hands on the owl clocks to make half-hour times

  1. Robot Tens and Ones

    group objects into tens and partition tens and ones

  2. Expander

    make groups of tens and ones

    partition tens and ones

    record a 2 digit number as tens and ones

  3. Tens and Ones Train

    make groups of tens and ones

    partition tens and ones

    record a 2 digit number as tens and ones

  4. Frame It

    make numbers by partitioning with ten frame pictures

  5. Tens and Ones Bingo

    recognize and identify pictures of partitioned numbers (place value blocks)

  1. Snow Buttons

    take groups of objects away to model 'take away' in subtraction

  2. Bye Bye Bears

    interpret pictures of subtraction situations

    identify 2 parts and a total in subtraction

  3. In and Out

    learn that subtraction situations have 2 related subtraction facts.

  4. Inside Outside

    learn that subtraction situations can have 2 related subtraction facts and 2 related addition facts

  5. Fact Cuties

  6. identify and write the 2 addition and 2 subtraction facts for a fact family of 3 numbers

  1. Number House

    trace numbers to 100

  2. Match It

    match number words with numerals

  3. Read and Write It

    read number words and write the matching numeral

  4. Number Street

    write numbers in counting order, starting at random positions between 31 and 100

  5. Number Words

    trace or write number words to match numerals

  1. Butterfly Doubles

    recognize, solve and write double facts for facts up to 12+12

  2. Near Double Bug

    double numbers 1-9 and add 1 to find the total (double plus one strategy). Dot formation and numeral options provided

  3. Double Towers

    find and compare arrangements of squares (towers) that show doubles and near-doubles (doubles plus one). Students will build towers with blocks to match

  4. Big Doubles

    double multiples of ten (10-50) to find a total

  5. Doubles Plus 2 Train

    double numbers 1-9 and add 2 to find a total (double plus 2 strategy)

  1. Count on by 2

    count on by 2 with 2 digit numbers on a number track

  2. Count on 10

    use a hundreds chart to 'count on 10'

  3. Count on Corners

    count on by 1, 2, 10 and 20 with sections of a hundreds chart

  4. Count on House

    count on by 1 and 2 in both the ones and tens column of 2 digit number addition

  5. Add it Up

    count on by 1 and 2 in 2 digit addition algorithms

  1. Addend Hair

    draw more hair on each kid to show the missing addend

  2. Addend House

    identify the missing addend by looking at a known quantity and total

  3. Missing Part

    identify the missing addend by comparing a known quantity and total

  4. Solve It

    identify the missing subtrahends in a subtraction problem

  5. Subtraction Bus

    identify the missing subtrahends in a subtraction problem by reading a written subtraction story, interpreting it and modelling with plastic math bears

  1. Frogs in Twos

    count by 2s to find a total. Students will discover how many repeated counts of 2 will make a total

  2. Beehive Five

    count by 5s to find a total. Students will discover how many repeated counts of 5 will make a total

  3. Fleas in Threes

    count by 3s to find a total. Students will discover how many repeated counts of 3 will make a total

  4. Apple Tens

    count by 10s to find a total. Students will discover how many repeated counts of 10 will make a total

  5. Skip Strips

    skip count by 2, 3, 5 and/or 10 and start at different places in the sequence

  6. Skip Count Snail

    skip count by 2, 3, 5 and/or 10, start at different places in the sequence and use their knowledge of skip counting to position numbers in the sequence

  1. Let's Compare

    compare 2 numbers (overlay areas) to find the difference

  2. Difference

    compare 2 numbers (side by side) to find the difference

  3. Compare Frame

    use ten/twenty/thirty frame comparison to solve subtraction

  4. Apple Snacks

    compare 2 numbers (side by side) to find the difference

    interpret a simple subtraction story to write a subtraction problem with numbers and symbols

  5. Find the Difference

    compare 2 numbers (side by side) to find the difference

    interpret a simple subtraction story to write a subtraction problem with numbers and symbols

  1. Making Ten

    review the combinations that make ten - 5 and 5, 6 and 4, 3 and 7, 8 and 2, 9 and 1

  2. Train Add up

    find two numbers that easily make 10 or 20 and put them first in an equation

  3. Fill a Ten

    fill a ten frame before adding the rest to learn naturally, that bridging to ten is efficient and numbers 'near to ten' should be added first

  4. Domino Dots

    visualise sliding dots on a domino to make a ten before finding the total

  5. Fact Cards

    memorize some addition facts that relate to 'bridge to ten' strategy

Math Pack 38 - Early Division

  1. Robot Split

    split an array in 2 to divide

  2. Equal Bus

    make equal groups to divide

  3. Apple Barrels

    divide numbers into equal groups

  4. Happy Steps

    use a number line and equal units to skip count and divide

  5. House of 4

    divide by 4 and show a remainder

Math Pack 39 - Comparing and Sequencing Numbers to 100

  1. Biggest Number Bus

    compare and identify the greatest 2 digit number in a selection of 3 numbers

  2. Robot Place

    make a 2 digit number and locate its position on a blank 100 chart

  3. Skip Pattern

    make a pattern of numbers on a hundreds chart by counting by 2, 5 or 10

  4. Sequence Kids

    sequence numbers in a 1 more, 1 less, 10 more, 10 less arrangement

  5. Count Back Cats

    count backwards by 2, 5 or 10 from a variety of starting positions

Math Pack 40 - Count Back Strategy for Subtraction with 2 Digit Numbers

  1. Count on by 2

    count back by 2 with 2 digit numbers on a number track

  2. Count Back 10

    use a hundreds chart to 'count back 10'

  3. Count Back Corners

    count back by 1, 2 and 10 with sections of a hundreds chart

  4. Count Back House

    count back by 1 and 2 in both the ones and tens column of 2 digit number subtraction

  5. Add it Up

    count back by 1 and 2 in 2 digit subtraction algorithms

Math Pack 41 - Doubling Strategies for 2 Digit Addition

  1. Think Doubles

    Students will count back by 2 with 2 digit numbers on a number track

  2. Doubles with Five

  3. Students will use pictures of hands to model 2 digit addition that involve 5 units - and partition these separately to double and find the overall total.

  4. Teen Double

    Students will use number cards and build towers with connecting cubes to model doubling teen numbers by partitioning into tens and ones.

  5. Frog Double

    Students will fluently double teen numbers using mental strategies.

  6. Double Scoop

    Students will double 2 digit numbers up to 50 (totalling no more than 100) using mental strategies

Math Pack 42 - Fractions - Working with One Half

Math Pack 41 - Doubling Strategies for 2 Digit Addition

Math Pack 41 - Doubling Strategies for 2 Digit Addition

Math Pack 42 - One Half

Math Pack 42 - One Half

  1. Equal Parts

    Students will identify and sort 2D shape pictures that have equal and unequal parts.

    Blackline shapes available too so you can allow students to cut and fold from paper if desired.

  2. One Half

    Students will identify and sort 2D shape pictures that show one half.

  3. Half for Dinner

    Students will spin a number, build a collection and then divide it into 2 equal groups to find one half.

  4. Half the Cookies

    Students will find half of a collection by drawing a circle around half of the cookie sheet/tray.

  5. Halfway Cards

    styles of cards provided (trains, buses, number track). Students will write numbers in to show half on the number track.